Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgeons |
The MAPS is an association of individual paediatric surgeons of the Mediterranean Area. There are three main goals: to maintain and promote high clinical standards of surgical care for paediatric and adolescent patients in all Mediterranean Countries, to discover, disseminate and apply new knowledge and to follow the highest clinical standards within the field of paediatric surgery. |
The Mediterranean Sea has united the people living on its shores. They have the same racial origins, cultures, traditions, habits as well as their famous kind warm hospitality. In addition, they share common problems and diseases. The Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgeons was established by a committee of Mediterranean Pediatric surgeons in 1996. Its purpose is to promote the practise, research and advancement of study in Pediatric Surgery and to maintain the highest clinical and ethical standards. The specific objectives include the promotion of Pediatric Surgical training programs, assistance in developing regional meetings and sponsorship of a Mediterranean Congress every two years. |